Poppers Workshop
The restauration of an antique instrument begins
At the end of the 2024 meetup, visitors had the chance to take part in the restauration of an old self-playing piano built in the 1920 by the manufacturer Poppers in Leipzig, Germany. Together with Jens Wendel, current head of Siegfried’s Mechanical Music Cabinet, and his son Lucas, they started disassembling the antique instrument whilst documenting and cleaning the different parts. This marks the first step in the upcoming restauration of this instrument, which will be executed in the local workshops.
If you have ever visited a museum and felt like only looking was not enough, then now is your time! Here, touching was not prohibited but instead required. Participants could get some unique insights about the instrument and have fun while working hands-on together with other community members. By submitting their e-mai address, helpers were enabled to later on receive news about the ongoing restauration and follow along the journey of the specific parts that they worked on during the workshop.